Wednesday, September 27, 2006


This Saturday is a very important election.

You can either vote or you can ignore what's going on. The choice is yours.
If you truly care for Louisiana, spend a little time reading the
amendments and making a decision, be prepared when you go into that voters booth.

I've found three websites that offer details on the 13 constitutional amendments
in plain English, as well as their recommendations on how to vote for each

There is no excuse to not vote. If you don't vote, you don't have a right to bitch.
Make a change.

Here are the websites offering clear explanations on the ballot:

The Bureau of Governmental Research is a private,
nonprofit, independent research organization dedicated
to informed public policy making and the effective use
of public resources for the improvement of government
in the New Orleans metropolitan area.
This report is available on BGR’s website

Council for a Better Louisiana

Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana

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Merry Christmas