Sunday, September 03, 2006

Kudo's to NOLA bloggers

I'd like to congratulate several New Orleans' bloggers mentioned in an upcoming article in The Nation.

Taken from the above link, The Nation says
The most comprehensive list is currently posted at

Most bloggers offer political commentary, on-the-ground reports of life in New Orleans, and links to other bloggers. The most insightful include:

Your Right Hand Thief (Oyster)
People Get Ready,(Schroeder)
Suspect Device (Greg Peters)
The American Zombie (Dambala)
The G Bitch Spot (G)
Gentilly Girl (Morwen)
Library Chronicles
Ashley Morris

All great bloggers, these folks are passionate about New Orleans and her recovery. I admire their tenacity and their individual points of view and their courage for hanging in there.

Neither a New Orleans native nor a resident, I still possess a deep love for the city and all the beauty she offers.

I'm a Slidell resident. Slidell is a quiet bedroom community 25 miles northeast of NOLA. We're not glamorous like "The City", but we here are true southerners. We experienced Katrina with both wind and flood damage. From the city's webpage The Weather Service reports that Slidell had sustained winds of 176 mph and gusts of 190+ mph during Hurricane Katrina. In addition, Slidell was hit by a 23' - 26' storm surge that devastated much of the city.

There are still FEMA trailers all over Slidell - 1 year Post K. We are recovering, but - like the rest of the Gulf Coast - We are still not okay

Please remember that New Orleans is not the only Katrina victim. There are thousands of us from Mobile, Alabama to the Louisiana-Texas border.

Deepest, heartfelt thanks go out to all who came to our aid in the past year. You cannot know how much all of you have helped. I still cry when I think of the outpouring of care that was sent this way one year ago. I cry tears of appreciation for our fellow citizens of the world.

Go to the thinknola wiki for the full list of New Orleans area bloggers. Great reading and insight there.

Technorati Profile

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