Sunday, December 30, 2018

Monday Morning Smile

Sorry for the original screw-up of the video not showing. Hope you enjoy this and Happy New Year!

Farewell 2018 (don't let the door hit you...)

The year in review:

From Youtube, this short recap:

Voice of America has it's own 29 minute recap of happenings across the world in this video

Here are links to various year-in-review pages that cover everything from those we lost during the year to the crazy politics:

From, which covers tragedies, good news, sports and business and tech.

Associated Press offers unbelievable pictures from 2018, Trump’s 2018: A year in a stranger-than-sitcom presidency and pop culture moments as well as other interesting topics.

CBS News details happenings in a month-by-month format and will probably have some news events that you may have either never heard about or have forgotten about.

Time dot com provides a quick recap with links to top stories of the year that was 2018.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Monday Morning Smile

SNL did a piece on the Christmas Carol using drumpf in place of Scrooge.  

Trump tantrumed and threated to have SNL taken off the air after a Christmas sketch
 based on the Russia scandal and him never becoming president.

Trump responded to the sketch by threatening legal action and taking SNL off the air:
A REAL scandal is the one sided coverage, hour by hour, of networks like NBC & Democrat spin machines like Saturday Night Live. It is all nothing less than unfair news coverage and Dem commercials. Should be tested in courts, can’t be legal? Only defame & belittle! Collusion?

Vonshitzenpants and Alzheimer

Donald Trump did sit down for an interview with Time Magazine that was released yesterday morning and what he says doesn't particularly ...