Sunday, May 09, 2010

Very grim photos

here's a link to hi res pictures taken of the oil spill in ghe Gulf.
Looks like hell.


Anonymous said...

feCouple of things from one who drives to/from NOLA to MS coast via Hwy 90:
1. Unmarked white vans (20 or so) on MS beaches with guys in yellow or blue waders with rubber boots, black turtlenecks, black elbow length gloves and hard hats walking and cleaning the beach with pdf's on last week. Most were big guys 200++ and the pdf's were tiny, tiny..... smaller than a magazine in the back & half that in the front. Considering you can almost walk to the navigation marker at low tide, it was a bit much but rules are rules.....
2. Thought seems to be the the turtles found ashore last week were those caught in nets because
boats were not using TEDs. Increased wildlife agents & USCG at harbors & on the water so turtles got tossed in case they were boarded
3. Staging ares a set up @ Ft. Pike and the LA
side of Pearlington boat launch for the Feds to do
Horizon related work. LA State police have set up speed checks along 90 as they have been assigned to 90 and have time on their hands. Drive slow!

judyb said...

Thanks, Anon! Keep me posted. We need to let EVERYONE know what's going on.

Forgotten Man