Friday, March 29, 2019

Today is Vietnam Veterans' Day

To all you Vietnam Veterans out there, you have my deepest, heartfelt thanks or all you did, all you survived and for all you are still going through today. 

From The Veterans Site (

March 29th, the nation will quietly celebrate National Vietnam Veterans Day, but most of the nation may not even know that fact. After all, it is a new idea and it is not one of the big national holidays like Memorial Day or Veterans Day with a three-day weekend attached to it.

We Vietnam veterans are honored that such a day has been set aside. Though it may go unnoticed by most, that makes little difference to we who served in Vietnam. We know who we are. We remember only too well those we served with and those who did not come home with us.

We are proud of our service and of our brotherhood.

These 5 decades later, there is no need for commentary, one way or the other. We have heard all of it, absorbed it, and survived it, and moved on from it. Besides, such musings are moot. History has already left the divisions and the underlying pro or con feelings about our war far behind.

Adam Schiff

drumpf got his minions to write a 
'big boy" letter to Senator Adam Schiff to call for Schiff's resignation.  This is what men with no backbone do.  Karma will be awaiting these 9 human beings. Read the letter below:  

GOP Letter to Schiff by Fox News on Scribd

The normally low-key Schiff went on the record in answering this letter.  He speaks for those of us that have had it with this bullshit regime of drumpfs.  

Monday, March 04, 2019

Lampooning the blind idiots

From the Krewe D'Etat, Mardi Gras 2019 

Monday Morning Smile

Parrot Trapped On Roof Keeps Telling Fire Crew To "F**k Off"

Here's the link to the story:

Vonshitzenpants and Alzheimer

Donald Trump did sit down for an interview with Time Magazine that was released yesterday morning and what he says doesn't particularly ...