Sunday, January 23, 2011

I love where I live

I love Louisiana, the Gulf Coast. It's one of most culturally rich, beautiful places in the world. Granted, I haven't done too much travelling in my life, but I do know I'm happy to live here, despite the known and unknown hazards.

This came to me this morning as I was driving home from Rouses, eating my Hubig's apple pie (not a healthy breakfast, that's why I go to the gym 3 x a week).

The sky was clear and blue, the temps in the mid 40's and there was no snow in sight!

While at Rouses I bought a Louisiana Festival Calendar so hubby and I can start planning our Festivals. Looking at February, while the rest of the country is shivering through their winters, we'll be going to over 20 Mardi Gras Parades .

Before the parades begin we have Superbowl Sunday. The Saints didn't "Two Dat" this year, but we still carry the sweet memories of last year. And if we want, we can buy our own license plate to commemorate it!

And we have that Sunday last January where hundreds, if not thousands of male Saints fans donned dresses to honor the late, great Buddy Diliberto because our team was going to the Superbowl!!

I mean where else would you find the 610 Stompers? "Ordinary men with extrodinary moves" :)

Three days after Mardi Gras is the St. Patricks parade in the French Quarter, followed that weekend by the Irish-Italian-Islenos Parade, the Irish Channel Parade. Later on in March are all of the St. Joseph Day Altars, which is an incredible amount of work for those who put on the Altars.

Right after the St. Jospeph Altars is the Mardi Gras Indians' Super Sunday, this year on March 20th.

I've never been to one, but the work that goes into the costumes is immense. All the sewing and feathers and the pride that these folks have for their heritage is touching.

The last week of March festivals include the Smokin' Blues Barbecue Challenge in Hammond, the Tennessee Williams Literary Festival in New Orleans, Chalmette's Crawfish Festival, the New Orleans Spring Fiesta, Oak Alley Spring Arts & Crafts Festival, a Bluegrass Festival in Oak Grove and this is just the month of March!

Yes, in Louisiana we no shortage of corrupt officials. But we are not alone in that category.

Some people view Louisiana citizens as lazy and stupid. It's too bad that these people are so closed minded. They base their opinions on what mainstream media feeds them. They're probably unaware of the hard working fishermen, of the men that are trying to save the young black boys in New Orleans thru mentoring. They are probably unaware of the myriad of intelligent bloggers right here in the New Orleans area. That's their loss, isn't it.

I can't imagine having to live in the cold and snow, as I did for the first 20 years of my life.


I know I wouldn't like the humungous interstates in California.

Granted, the scenery is second to none, but all those people. ~shudder~

I like the scenery around me right here in Louisiana, thankyouverymuch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful my hawt you couldn't have put any better than that,i'm glad you are my soulmate! xoxoxox

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