Tuesday, October 27, 2015

A Day in the Life

From mashable

A seemingly never-ending fountain of material, the iconic band is being celebrated with a new deluxe edition of the 2000 compilation album 1, a collection of U.S. and U.K. number one records.

The 27-track edition is also being paired with 50 restored promotional films and videos the band dubbed "mini movies," many of which were never commercially released. Back then, the Fab Four began releasing the videos as a way to promote new releases once they stopped touring.

The trippy video features the band recording the song in January and February 1967, with a large orchestra of about 40 classically trained musicians who apparently struggled at first to understand the song's concepts. Drummer Ringo Starr recalls the recording of the song, remembering the specific inspiration behind his drumming style.

“If you listen to my playing, I try to become an instrument; play the mood of the song," Ringo Starr says in a statement. "For example, ‘Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire,’ — boom ba bom. I try to show that; the disenchanting mood. The drum fills are part of it.”

The video was filmed between 8 p.m. and 1 a.m. and includes some rocker cameos, like Mick Jagger and Keith Richards.

Monday, October 26, 2015

A Hero

Nuff Said

Monday Morning Smile

Oakley the little abandoned Great Horned Owl doing the monster mash. From Raptor Rehabber

No baby owls were hurt or abused in this video. From Raptor Rehabber: this was an orphaned GHO THAT HAD JUST BEEN FEED, AND IF YOU NOTICE HE NEVER WAS LOOKING DIRECTLY AT me because I was under a camouflaged sheet with holes in them. I finally got another two babies around his age that I was able to put him with. This was a one time deal I did a few years ago. I leave puppets in with them, so they have something to cuddle with. I was able to release this Owl several months later after conditioning it and teaching it to catch live prey. It was quite mean and didn't like humans when we released it. So thank you for input.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Idiots among us


A 32-year-old Los Angeles woman is claiming that she was impregnated by the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, and is now suing his estate. Kiera Johnson, the married mother of two, claims that she was raped by the ghost of Michael Jackson – and her white husband Ken Johnson is sticking by her side.

Kiera claims she was watching the 2 hour Michael Jackson 30 Year Anniversary Special on DVD which aired on HBO in 2001 when she suddenly dozed off during the performance of Thriller. It was at that point, things went horribly wrong. “All of a sudden, I was awakened by a hand caressing my face. But I was home alone, my husband was at work,” Kiera recalls. “The next thing you know, I’m having this erotic encounter with Michael Jackson. But it wasn’t the white Michael Jackson, he was black, and dressed like he was straight out of the Thriller video. I told him to stop, but he would listen.”
Kiera thought nothing more about the “realistic encounter” she had with M.J. – until September 25, 2015 when she gave birth to her third child. “Everything was going well with the birth,” said her husband Ken. “But then when I saw my son, and he was black, I said ‘What the hell is this!’ I was in absolute shock. That’s when Kiera told me about her terrifying dream. I think it’s wrong what happened and that’s why we are suing Michael Jackson’s estate. We just want a decent amount of child support to help raise his son.”

Kiera insists she has never cheated on her husband Ken with anybody of any race. Ken says he believes his wife and has no reason to not trust her, she is his “queen.” The Johnsons say they are willing to accept an out-of-court negotiation and are giving the Jackson family until January 1, 2016 to respond. As of yet, the Jackson family has not responded publicly to the allegations.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Idiots Among Us

From rawstory.com
outh Carolina woman was recovering on Monday after her 2-year-old grandson reportedly shot her in the back.

Rock Hill police reported on Sunday that officers responded to the call on Sunday and found that a 40-year-old woman in the front passenger seat of an orange Chevrolet Camaro had suffered a gunshot wound to the back.

Police said that a 4-year-old boy had gotten his hands on the revolver and discharged it as the car was going through the intersection of Ogden Road and Heckle Boulevard. The driver of the car, who was the child’s great aunt, said that she heard the shot and then turned to see the boy holding the pistol with both hands.

The child’s grandmother was sitting in the passenger seat when she was shot. She was taken to CMC Main Hospital in Charlotte. Her injuries were described as not life threatening.

In a statement on Monday, Rock Hill Police spokesperson Capt. Mark Bollinger clarified that the boy had only been 2 years old. He said that “confusion at the scene” had caused the child’s age to be recorded incorrectly.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

The F---ing News

EPIC It's a spoof, but THIS is what I'd love to see on the news.

Here are more from this man - I love him! - Jonathan Pie, my kind of reporter

Idiots Among Us

Here is the second in my "Idiots" category. This moron, from New Hampshire, is running for President.
I guess he never learned to lie to the voters. He's treating the American voting population like a two year old.

Quote: Speaking in New Hampshire, Governor John Kasich told a member of the audience that he will need to “get over” social security cuts, because Kasich says he will be cutting Social Security.
Dude, learn some manners, treat people with respect.

Kasich continued, “We can’t balance a budget without entitlement reform.

Um, John?? (I won't call you Mr. Kasich), Social Security NOT an entitlement, douche .

Thursday, October 08, 2015

Idiots Among Us

I will be sharing these idiots on an almost daily basis, so many to share.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Citizens of the Roman town of Pompeii who were victims of Mt. Vesuvius’s eruption in 79 A.D. could have survived if they had “just outrun the lava,” the neurosurgeon Ben Carson told Fox News.

Lies, Lies and More Lies

  Yeah, so I really don't give a crap about who was better at the debate last week.  drumpf lied about everything, in between making tho...